Today seemed appropriate as ever to finally do something I've been wanting to do for quite some time and start writing publicly. Today of all days because it’s Father’s Day. My Dad is not only the one who helped me come up with the title of this blog but also helped me get to this point and become the woman I am today.
I am even more fortunate today for my father as I recently heard a group of dads concerned about each of their daughters becoming too much of a tomboy. The concern sadly wasn’t that they might engage in more dangerous and risky behavior like most boys tend to do (An interesting article on male risk taking and women’s attraction to it). Instead, their concern was how those tomboy behaviors like wanting to ride a dirt bike will affect their chances of getting married off. It pains me to even write that and breaks my heart for their daughters. I can't even figure out where to start other than a forever grateful “thank you” to not only my father but my mother as well. Thank you for never making me feel less than. Thank you for supporting my tomboy activities. Thank you for letting me know its ok to fall and get bruises, but one day my scarred legs might require me to wear panty hose to work. Thank you for giving me the courage to get back up after those falls instead of instilling fear in me that I would get hurt again. Thank you for never making me feel my worthiness and ability to be loved has to come from another person. Thank you for teaching me to be a strong independent woman. And this list goes on.
The ironic part of the thinking of those dads is that I know plenty of men who are single and would love to marry a woman who loves to do the same “boyish” activities they love. Those dads also might never know what kind of joy those activities might not only bring their daughters but themselves as well. Being able to share those activities with my father provides such great opportunities for us to spend time together. At the end of the day spending time with those you love and being able to take joy and happiness out of your days should be some of the most important things in life.
If being single or never getting married ends up being the worst thing that happens to me in this life, I'll be grateful. There are worse things in life. Being single doesn't mean I’m alone. And being a tomboy doesn't make me unmarriable. Thank you mom and dad for never letting me think otherwise.
Amen sister